Friday 29 June 2012

Plans are afoot....

Today is housework and washing day yuk :( but... that doesn't stop me planning for activities far less boring.
Using the rinse water from milk containers going into the recycle bin collected over the past 2wks and stored in the freezer, I'm soaking some cotton T-shirts ready for some dyeing. The driftwood pulp gives excellent colour so I'm planning to do some shibori techniques with it on the shirts. First they will have to cure for a few days tho.
I can hear my pal (u know who u r) in my head now yelling at me to 'stop mucking about' with old T-shirts and work on protein fibres but.... These have just a few stains and the 'waste not-want not' monster is telling me they're too good to throw away and not good enough for the charity bin. Sorry :) x
While I'm down here I plan on taking an Eco-cruise round the Tasman Islands. Very excited about that one, even get to wear survival suit :) Should be thrilling. See one of their promo pics below.
Plans are afoot for this pile of driftwood and a collection of old rope combed from around the bay too...

Seaweed experiments and a beanie to boot...

The beanie didn't turn out quite as vivid as the jumper but I have a sneaking suspicion it may be 'machine washable' wool or a wool/synthetic blend??? Still, I'm more than happy with it :) Warm as toast.
Amused myself today with seaweed Eco-print experiments on silk and wool with varying results. Also tried some eucalypt leaves that I found on the mud flats. They were very dark even black some of them. I just wanted to see if, after floating in the ocean and being partially broken down, they would still have any available colour? Would the salt/minerals act as mordant? See pics below..

Thursday 28 June 2012

Yahooooo Binoculars!

Thanx Shaz for posting me ur little pair of binos. I received them in this mornings post and just about broke into a jig in front of the postmaster :) They're fabulous! Nice and light and not too big for a coat pocket.
First thing I discovered when I got them out the box was that those darn packing pellets go just everywhere no matter how hard you try ha ha ha.
Second thing was that the really white cloud I could see above the distant mountains through the heads isn't cloud...... It's SNOW on Mt Wellington near Hobart. Far out!
Anyway I checked the map and yes I'm almost directly opposite across the oceany bit on the map. Sorry but I'm not very spatially aware and can get lost in the bathroom :(
But hey.... SNOW :) :) :P

PJ Thursday :-)

Spent the day flubbing about in my pjs just cos I could :) and didn't really bother brushing my hair etc so of course this is the day I get a knock on the door for the first time... Doh!
Just the local council 'Garbolagyst' dropping off a new recycling bin. When I apologized for my appearance he said 'No worries Darl u look pretty swish to me'
Bless him, last time he saw something like my fashion sense today was probably last time he went to the circus!
See pic below Bwahahaha :-)

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Kookaburra sits in the old Gum Tree

Perfect end to perfect day :)
Kookaburra at sundown pic taken from front verandah.....

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Last Texture Shots

Just a few more...

Texture continued...

My pics from the Texture Shoot...


Today's creativity project was all about texture. Using photography as my medium I sought out images to capture various textures round the bay. So for those of you who like 'less words more pics' this post is for you :)
Of course true to form I forgot to take the 'good' camera so all the shots you see below were taken with my iPhone. Actually now I think of it ALL the pics I've posted on the whole blog have been taken on my phone :)


I got to thinking last night, as you tend to do when you only have yourself for company, that it's probably a good thing that people are unable to comment on this blog....
Maybe it's a lesson I need to learn?? Use my gut and my 'own' instincts for my creativity rather than seeking others approval. Certainly something to reflect on....
Speaking of reflections check out my 'Russian Peasant' look :) see pic below. Layering seems to be the key to keeping warm but it can be a rather unique fashion statement ha ha NOT
Anyway today's weather has been awesome! So knee brace in place I set of for a walk on the mud flats below the cottage as the tide was as far out as I have seen it since arriving.

Monday 25 June 2012

Knitting in the Sunshine

So nice to just 'be'

My new best buddy...

Meet my new best friend (pic below). The weather was too beautiful to stay indoors so a stroll/limp to the pharmacy for some anti inflammation cream and a new knee brace seemed the thing to do.
I am now armed and dangerous.... :-)

Bad case of 'Lumpy Knee'

Sorry no post yesterday folks, just feelin a bit poorly. Think I've picked up a bit of a tummy bug. Bit better today but my knee is giving me grief from all my wanderings. Sure do miss the 'broomstick'... Without her this weight bearing exercise is giving me a bad case of 'lumpy knee' ha ha ha. Grrrr hate gettin old!
The tide was the lowest I've seen it this morning since arriving over a week ago now. The weather is gorgeous outside too. Cold n crisp but the sun is sparkling. I would love to be down on the mud flats having poke about but have decided to have a couple of rest days to make friends with my knee again :)
Let's hope the weather stays lovely so I can get out there again soon.....
In the meantime some sketching and a bit of needlework sounds good especially whilst basking in the sun streaming through the front picture windows. Ahhhhhhh bliss!